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  1. Nick Spears Art1318
    March 4, 2016 @ 11:11 am

    Hey Nick just curious which story out of Multiversity did you like the most. I really loved the Watchmen-esque one with the originally intended Watchmen characters. I also likes the Nazi Superman story. Makes me whis they would bring back Elseworlds.

    • Nick Spears Nick Spears
      March 4, 2016 @ 11:30 am

      I would say I pretty much agree with you… Pax Americana which was the Watchmen-like one was probably my favorite. I cannot get over the cover for Ultra Comics, and I loved that one because of the constant referencing to it. I also liked the second one which was the one with Captain Carrot? The idea of heroes being pulled into that one world for all kind of idea hit with me. I thought the first three tracked really well into building upon and taking from the previous story, while being its own. That was what got me into the book, and then you hit Pax Americana and you are like DAMN SON this is good!!!

      Glad you enjoyed Multiversity, and apparently the good stories are clearly Pax Americana, and also the Nazi one.

      Thanks for commenting!

      • Nick Spears Art1318
        March 4, 2016 @ 11:03 pm

        No problem love your cloumns. Glad you got to enjoy some time off.